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Quick Start Guide

Portfolio Lists





Bubble Charts

Bar Charts

Ranking Charts

Efficient Frontier Charts

Sensitivity Charts


The Portfolio Ranking Chart List Form

Form Overview

This form is displayed when you click on the "Ranking Charts" tab of the Portfolios form.

This form is used to create, open, modify, delete, and list all of the Ranking Charts in the Portfolio.

The form displays a list box that lists each Ranking Chart and its associated data objects (the ranking value and the bubble size). Double-clicking on a row will open the corresponding Ranking Chart displayed on that row in the Ranking Chart form.

The Portfolio Ranking Chart List Form List Box:

The Ranking Chart list box displays the name of the Ranking Chart and the attributes associated with the data display: the Y-axis (Ranking Value) and the bubble size. All of the columns can be sorted by clicking on the header at the top of the column.

The number (no.) column: the number column displays a number associated with each Ranking Chart row.

The chart name column: The chart name column displays the name of the Ranking Charts in the Portfolio. Slow double-clicking on a Ranking Chart name will make the name editable so you can modify it directly in the form. Names can not exceed 48 characters and cannot be duplicated within an individual Portfolio.

The Ranking Value (Y-axis) column and Bubble Size columns: these columns display the name of the attribute assigned to the data element of the particular Ranking Chart.

The Portfolio Ranking Chart List Form Buttons:

[New] button: Click on this button to open the New Ranking Chart form.

[Open] button: Click on this button to open the selected (highlighted) Ranking Chart. This button is enabled only when a Ranking Chart in the list has been selected.

[Modify] button: This button opens the Ranking Chart Preferences form. This button is enabled only when a Ranking Chart in the list has been selected.

[Duplicate] button: This button opens a form to let you name and save an exact duplicate of the Ranking Chart selected in the list, including any drawing or annotations.

[Delete] button: Click on this button to delete the selected Ranking Chart. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the selected chart. This button is enabled only when a Ranking Chart in the list has been selected.

[Close] button: Click on this button to close the Portfolio Ranking Chart List form.